Monday, June 13, 2011

Does Christianity keep African Americans believing in fairy tales?

     I found an on-line article in the Examiner - San Francisco, at entitled Christianity Keeps African Americans Believing In Fairy Tales (San Francisco, Oct. 14, 2010). I urge you to go to the link and see what Deborrah Cooper has to say.

     I have notice many times people speak of the Church in generalizations, and this seems to be what Cooper is doing in her article. Cooper ask the question whether or not the Black Church has outlived it usefulness to Black Americans? Does this question deserve a response? The Church represents salvation in the name of Jesus Christ - our Lord and Savior, and is based upon our Faith in the Holy Trinity; Faith, not fairy tales. So, how does the Church outlive its usefulness? it doesn`t! not for believers.

     Ms. Cooper goes on to pin-point  problems in the African American community by talking about statistics  saying "statistically, Black people are the most religious ethnic group in the nation, yet have the highest rate of incarceration, poverty, infant mortality, single parent homes, unemployment, and HIV/AIDS". Look, we cannot deny these problems exist in our communities, but our problems also stem from an unique history that to this day still negatively effects us economically, educationally, psychologocally, and sociologically. If anything, those problems sited gives more relevance to the importance of Christianity developing Faith, and serving the needs of believers and non-believers.

     Church is not a hindrance to Black achievement; it celebrates it. The Black Church has provided a templet for many of us to learn how to function in business, politics, and other areas of human endeavors. Cooper talks about limitations placed on our minds, achievements, and relationships, thanks to Christianity, but it seems to me having Faith increases those areas of our lives.

     At the end of the day each person is responsible for what they believe or do not believe. I believe the 66 books of the Bible are the sacred words of God given to us as an account of history, poems, songs, and stories that many of us live by, because we do believe, and we choose to believe. For non-believers who choose to view Christianity as simply fairy tales, you have the right to do so, especially in a free society, but for those of us who believe, we call it Faith. 

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