Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Edible Hut

     An artist-in-residence program allows an opportunity for visiting artists to stay and work in a community with a singular for-arts-sake purpose. Artist in an artist in residency if done well can provide working facilities ready for use by local artist for public art. Such a facility now exist in the Osborn Community of Detroit, MI, where I live, and it`s called The Edible Hut.

     Good communities have spaces where people can participate in arts activities. Located on the play field of Calimera Park, on Pinewood and Joanne, The Edible Hut is an artistic commitment to Northeast Detroit that is strengthening the Osborn Community by creating a cultural space that promotes the creativity of everyone involved. The Edible Hut is also contributing to the economics of Detroit`s Osborn Community by supporting artist, a healthy food vendor, sound engineers, photographers, and other support personal.

     So, what is The Edible Hut? The creators of The Edible Hut are artist Mira Burack and Kate Daughdrill, and they say "The Edible Hut is a community gathering space in Calimera Park on the eastside of Detroit with a living, edible roof and oculus to the sky. The Edible Hut combines elements of a traditional hut, an outdoor sculpture, a neighborhood garage and an edible garden". (The Edible Hut Website, at

     I have had the pleasure of being apart of The Edible Hut in its planning, and as a performing artist. I am not an artist-in-residence in Detroit`s Osborn Community, but a resident of the Osborn Community who just happens to be an artist trying to raise a family. I want to say thank you to Mira and Kate for their vision of a spectacular art project that is bringing people together in my community. I also want to express my joy of meeting and getting to know my neighbors on the planning committee of The Edible Hut, and neighbors I have met at our performances and Edible Hut events. I plan to hold other concerts and events at The Edible Hut in the future, and I hope to see you there. Just don`t forget, when you come to The Edible Hut in Detroit`s Osborn Community; STAY OFF MY LAWN!



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