While on Twitter the other day I came upon a post asking whether or not to purchase a saxophone from an unknown instrument maker. Of course my answer was no, because you do want to purchase an instrument from a name you can trust. So, what do you look for, and how do you purchase a saxophone?
If your child is just starting-out in an instrumental program, and has no (or very little) experience you want to look for a student-line instrument. Saxophones can be, and are expensive! A student-line alto saxophone can cost anywhere from $500.00 to $1,000.00, and those are the student models. If your child is learning on tenor saxophone it`s going to cost more. So no, you do not want to go with an instrument from an unknown saxophone maker.
Parents, you have some options on credible brand names both new and used. If looking for a used saxophone some trusted names are King 613 and Cleveland models, Bundy, and Vito. The best student-line saxophones are from "The Big 4". These are the best student-line saxophones, but also the most expensive. These saxophones can cost anywhere from $1,000 - $1,500. The Big 4 are:
1. Yamaha
2. Selmer (Paris)
3. Keilwerth
4. Yanagisawa
If you don`t want to spend $1000+ on one of The Big 4, some other saxophones worth looking at are Vito, Beuscher, Jupiter, and Selmer (USA).
There are saxophones you want to say away from, or think twice before buying. Saxophones unknown by music professionals, e.g. saxophonist and music educators are instruments you probably want to avoid. Be cautious of saxophones at a price less than $500.00; cheep is not always good. Saxophones made in China should also be avoided.
Many people purchase instruments from the newspapers, pawn shops, on-line, and exercise other options and choices. I recommend going to an established music store. Music stores make instruments available with rental programs, rent-to-own options, and purchasing plans. Another reason for dealing with an established music store is for the products and services they can offer. Music stores are a very valuable resource to music students, music educators, and parents.
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