Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shopping For A Student Instrument

     Do you have a child in band, strings, or orchestra? if you do your child may be playing a school assigned instrument, or large instrument everyone would expect a school to invest in, i.e., a tuba, concert bass drum, or some other kind of large instrument, otherwise parents have to purchase or rent instruments themselves for their children. But parents, if you have to purchase(or rent) an instrument do you know what your are looking for? Unless you have played in band, strings, or orchestra chances are good you do not know what you are looking for when it comes to musical instruments. My goal in this blog is to assist parents or guardians in making that purchase. Yes, of course I want to invite you to my spring recital, and recruit new woodwind music student(I have to make a living too!), but I also want to educate parents and guardians about purchasing a student instrument for their child(ren).

     When purchasing an instrument I recommend going to an establish dealer of musical instruments; go to the music store. Check your yellow pages, or go on-line for a music store near you, but go to a music store! Why, because your local music store employees knowledgeable people who are musicians themselves, and can be your resource in answering questions you may have regarding your instrument. When you purchase your instrument from a music store they can honor any implied warranty, and act on your behave for instrument maker guarantees; can a pawn shop do that? What about eBay, or anyother on-line seller? again, I recommend your local music store.

     Another resource to consider is your music teacher. Ask your school band director, or independent music teacher to assist you in purchasing an instrument. Your childs` music education professional can offer advise, or come with you when you make your purchase; just ask, and you may be pleasently surprised.

     Why go through the trouble of going to a music store, and talking to the music teacher? You do not have to purchase your instrument from a music dealer, or work with a music teacher; you have other alternatives, but I recommend this course of action to protect your money and investment. If you are not careful you can loss money by purchasing a shotty instrument that cannot be serviced, or simply put - you can be scammed! Go to , and click-on to "Why You Should Not Buy A Cheap Musical Instrument Online" for more information.

     I hope you find this blog useful, and  if you have any questions, or if I can be of any service to you when you embark on you journey of purchasing a musical instrument for your young musician please let me know. If you are in Detroit, MI on June 5, 2011, you are invited to my Keith Gamble - Woodwind Music Lessons Spring Recital. Go to my website for more information in the calendar section  at . If you live in the Detroit area and are looking for a music teacher who teaches clarinet, flute, and saxophone, please contact me at for more information.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Opinion of Folgers Classic Roast

      I was reading an article/review of Kenneth Davids from Coffee Review : : The World`s Leading Coffee Buying Guide, and he made comments on instant coffees. Davids review of instant coffee in general was not flattering, but had kind words for Nescafe' Taster`s Choice, and Starbucks VIA - both Colombia. I am a Starbucks fan, so I am happy that Davids confirmed my coffee tasting belief in Starbucks. Unfortunately Davids was not so kind on the Folgers Classic Roast instant. Being honest, I cannot speak-on Folgers instant coffee (or any instant coffee; I don`t enjoy instant), but I can speak on Folgers Classic Roast in the aroma seal canister.

     My day begins with a dark Folgers Classic Roast. It says dark, but the Classic Roast is actually a medium roast coffee; richer than the breakfast coffee, the Classic Roast has a bold, and robust taste that is perfect for breakfast. I would like to see what Kenneth Davids has to say about Folgers Classic Roast in an aroma seal canister. I would also like to hear from you regarding your favorite coffee or coffee experience. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Film Panel Discussion - Up In the Air

     A friend of mine from the Detroit Indie Film Group recommended group members attend the panel discussion of "Up In the Air". This April 3, 2011 panel discussion was hosted by the Association For Psychoanalytic Thought of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society called Reel Deal. Held at the Bloomfield Twp. Library this panel discussion dealt with issues of unemployment, organizations dealing with lay-offs, and the emotional impact of employees whose job is to lay-off those being laid-off.

     Up In the Air stars George Clooney who plays an always traveling organization man who visits company offices, and fires employees who`ve been laid-off.

     If you have not seen this 2009 Jason Reitman film, I recommend to rent it today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Think Bill Cosby Is Right!

     Although I am almost two years behind, I feel a need to say something about the August 27, 2009 article I read on-line at Post Bourgie, by guest contributor Jeremy R. Levine at Social Science Lite. The article entitled Racial Inequality and the Rhetoric of Responsiblilty addresses Brown University economist Glenn Loury`s "Culture, Causation and Confusion: Why Bill Cosby is Wasting  His Time" with the rhetoric of responsibllity. I have a problem with Mr. Lourys` assertion.

     It has been about two years since I last heard Bill Cosby on public access TV in Detroit give his diatribe addressed to the Black community. Bill Cosby received a lot of flack about "airing our dirty laundry" from the African American community, but he is right! Glenn Loury speaks of Black communal responsibility by disagreeing with the likes of Bill Cosby, and President Obama. "This rhetoric of `black communal responsibility` suggest that the solutions to racial inequality are cultural, and the illdefined `black community` should therefore bear the burden of `fixing` its collective deficiencies." Yes, we in the Black community are going to have to fix our deficiencies by paying close attention to our culture. We need to be very concerned about the embracement of an anti-intellectualism, heathenism, and vulgarity that is accepted in our popular culture, and diminishes our soul, humanity, and our greater African American culture and heritage. Loury goes on by referring to us as an "illdefined `black community`". Illdefined? I think we are Welldefined by our shared history in America since 1619.

     Loury tells us the "black community", black culture", and "black leaders" are political constructs. I think he is right, but I disagree that those terms are void of intellectual definitions. The act of slavery in which other nations agreed upon were external forces that defined  "black". Most importantly we define "black" because we live our lives. Chicago sociologist Mario Small has argued that "there are multiple black communities and multiple black cultures". Is anyone supprise with that? African American culture is not monolithic, but we belong to the same struggles.

     Glenn Loury goes on to point-out the black community cannot be counted upon to solve problems without instutional means. I just disagree with Loury. One of the biggest institutions we have is the Black Church. We also have those important voices to sound the alarm, and inform; voices such as Al Sharpton, and Bill Cosby.

     You can see this article yourself on Racial Inequality and the Rhetoric of Responsibility by going to .