When discussing jazz in film, what comes to mind? Bird (1988), Mo Better Blues (1990), Kansas City (1995), just to name a few. The film I think of is not a jazz film at all. The films I have mentioned are all great films about jazz, and there are others. However, I am speaking of films where jazz in not the focus, but jazz can or may be heard in the film. That film is Street Smart (1987).
Street Smart is a crime drama that stars the late Christopher Reeve and Morgan Freeman. I enjoy this film, and I particularly love the end credit music. In this film Christopher Reeve takes on the role as Jonathan Fisher, a reporter for a media organization. Jonathan Fisher was given an assignment to cover prostitution, but fails to provide needed information from his sources. He decides to construct his own narrative on this subject. The story Jonathan Fisher fabricated revives his journalist career. However, his story catches the attention of Fast Black (Morgan Freeman); a real pimp. Fast Black is outraged, but makes demands on Jonathan Fisher to be his alibi during a murder investigation of Fast Black. When legal officials get involved, things go from bad to worse.
Readers of this blog, please let us know and share your favorite jazz music in a film. Please post your comments to this blog. Also, when you get a chance, check out Street Smart, and listen to the end credit music.