There have been a rash of shootings in the United States of young people for minor things such as ringing a wrong door bell, pulling into some ones driveway, and going to the wrong car. These are mistakes that happen to all of us, and know one deserves to be shot over these mistakes. I am devoting this blog to Ralph Yarl.
At age 16, Ralph Yarl is described as a kind, quite, friendly, well-mannered, and smart student who is a member of his schools Technology Student Association and Science Olympia team, as well as his high school jazz and competition band. He is section leader in his high school marching band. Ralph Yarl is recognized as being one of the best bass clarinetist in Missouri, and receiving honorable mention in the Missouri All-State Band. Ralph Yarl also performs with the metropolitan youth orchestra. Highly talented, and college bound, Ralph Yarl is looking to attend Texas A&M as a chemical engineer major.
On April 13, 2023, in Kansas City, Missouri, Ralph Yarl was going to pick-up his younger twin brothers who were visiting at their friend`s home. Unfortunately, Ralph Yarl went to the wrong house, and was shot twice. Ralph Yarl survived his injuries, and is recovering.
You can help Ralph Yarl recover from this ordeal by going to his gofundme fundraiser account established by his aunt, Faith Spoonmore. Funds will cover Ralph Yarl`s medical bills and needed therapies. Additional funds will be used for his college expenses at Texas A&M, and other expenses, including a trip to West Africa. Make this possible for Ralph Yarl by going to GoFundMe, at We are all pulling for you Ralph Yarl, and we wish you the best.