Practice, practice, practice is what I tell my students to do everyday, even during this global pandemic. Music has not stopped during COVID - 19. I do not mean to suggest the music industry has not been effected by this global pandemic, because it has, with concerts being cancelled, gigs called off, and just getting together to play music is a problem during this time with COVID - 19. Rehearing in public parks in Michigan is seasonal at best. Zoom technology works, but there are challenges to over come.
Neal Diamond`s video of thousands joining in to participate in singing his song "Sweet Caroline" makes you happy, but how practical is this to conduct rehearsal, or generally speaking for music making? well, during this global pandemic very practical. Something is better than nothing. Let us all be grateful that vaccines are now available to combat against this virus, and hopefully we can return to life the way we knew it.
Currently, and before the pandemic, I generally had four performing opportunities available: Student Recitals, Keith Gamble Quartet, BF Legacy Jazz Orchestra, and Freelance performances. Student Recitals are Spring and Christmas recitals my music students participate in each year performing prepared pieces learned during music lessons. Although I am still providing music lessons, COVID- 19 has placed a hold on my student performances. However, we are looking to resume in the spring and winter of 2021.
As a professional musician before February, 2020, I was not performing daily, but I was performing at least once or twice per month. True, performing one or two monthly performances is not a lot, but those performances with music students do provide a living. For me and my situation COVID - 19 has placed a hold on Keith Gamble Quartet and freelance performances. BF Legacy Jazz Orchestra also saw no performances, but BF Legacy Jazz Orchestra has kept active with out-door rehearsals, Zoom meetings, and trying to stay active using Zoom technology.
For all of us 2020 has been trying, and I think it is safe to say we are glad to see an end to 2020, and an ushering in for 2021. Happy New Year to all, and looking forward to seeing you on the band stand or in the audience.