Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post-Bop and Avant-Garde Jazz Saxophonist Keith Gamble: Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering: Year In Review...

Post-Bop and Avant-Garde Jazz Saxophonist Keith Gamble: Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering: Year In Review...:      Wow, can you believe we`re almost done with this year! 2012 has been an exciting year for Keith Gamble Music. This year Keith Gamble Mu...

Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering: Year In Review

     Wow, can you believe we`re almost done with this year! 2012 has been an exciting year for Keith Gamble Music. This year Keith Gamble Music introduced its Art House Gathering series, starting with our April 21, Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering: Bird, at the Phoenix Cafe' in Hazel Park, MI. Those in attendance joined me in celebrating the music of Charlie Parker, as I played Charlie Parker pieces, while guess were treated to coffee and cake. Our second gathering on August 11, was quite successful. Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering: Poetry Night saw a larger audience, as I played and premiered first time performed and new avant-garde jazz works. Poetry Night also reunited me with urban folk poet Wardell Montgomery, Jr. Vocalist DeAngela McKinney as took to the stage.

     Finishing our Art House Gathering series for 2012, is our Keith Gamble`s Christmas Art House Gathering, on December 15, at the International Institute, in Detroit. Keith Gamble`s Christmas Art House Gathering: Sarah Felton Art Exhibit will not take place. In preparing for the Sarah Felton Art Exhibit I discovered Sarah Felton is no longer an art major, but has changed her major to criminal justice. Of course I am happy for Sarah`s decision, and wish her well with great success, but Keith Gamble`s Art House Gathering series is promoting active arts and cultural activities. Keith Gamble`s Christmas Art House Gathering will feature my compositions performed by my jazz ensemble, Christmas songs sung by DeAngela McKinney, Christmas dinner, and of course, coffee and cake.

     Those of you who attend my Christmas gathering will be treated to a post-bop jazz set list that include some special pieces I have composed. "Arrival of Shakan" is a piece dedicated to my wife - Patricia Gamble. Patricia has written comic strips that have appeared in Wayne State University`s South End newspaper back in the early 90`s called "Shakan - Zulu Warrior". "Arrival of Shakan" is dedicated to my wife`s important creative efforts. Earlier this month at the Rochester Hills Public Library, in Rochester, MI, my group and I performed "Talking". This composition received a lot of buzz, with people in the audience requesting to purchase a recording of this piece. "Talking" has not been recorded yet, but it is a piece in my repertoire. I will record "Talking" on my next CD.

     Keith Gamble`s Christmas Art House Gathering will feature the premiere performance of "Partnerships". You will want to be in the audience to hear this intricate post-bop jazz piece that has me playing flute."Partnerships" is a work you are sure to enjoy. We will end the evening with "Street Corner". Be ready to rock in your seats, on get on the floor and dance to this funk/fusion jazz composition I composed for the PC Jenkins play When Mama Cries Why?

     Looking forward to seeing you on December 15, 2012, at my Keith Gamble`s Christmas Art House Gathering, at the International Institute, at 111 E. Kirby, Detroit, MI. 48202. Tickets are $10.00 at the door, and $8.00 in advance. You can purchase advance tickets by going to Waltham Street Music Publishing at Paypal.