It has come to my attention, and the attention of the world that I live in one of the most dangerous zip codes in the United States - 48205. In case you don`t know 48205 is the Osborn Community of Detroit, MI. To say there are problems in my neighborhood is to state the obvious; look at the abandon houses, and sence of hopelessness. It is no secret Detroit has been hit hard during the economic downturn and sub-prime economic crisis. Crime and poverty is what we face daily, and it is easy to toss in the towel and say "that`s all she wrote", but many of us in the Osborn Community refuse to toss-in that towel, and understand easy is the mark of complacency and mediocrity. Community organizations such as MAN (Maintaining A Neighborhood), Detroit 300, and many other grass-roots organizations, non-profits, business, political leaders, and community activist work with the city and police to better our community. It is going to take the people in my neighborhood to improve things, and that is why I have organized the Osborn Community Band, in other words I want to serve where I live by providing music education to youth in the Osborn Community. The Osborn Community Band is my way of serving by promoting art, culture, and enlightenment to Osborn Community residence to help improve our city, and quality of life for those of us who live in the Osborn Community of Detroit.
The Osborn Community Band is housed at Brenda Scott Academy for Theatre Arts, where we meet every Friday at 3:00pm. Community students in fourth and fifth grade participate in the beginning band program. The Osborn Community Band is not only me, but others who make it possible. Thanks to the Skillman Foundation and Prevention Network, Mr. Ronnie Sims and his staff at Brenda Scott Academy, and the parents of the participating band students.
This project was funded by a grant provided by a collaboration between Prevention Network and The Skillman Foundation as a part of their Good Neighborhoods Initiative. A goal of the Good Neighborhoods Program is to increase the ability of residents to address critical needs in their neighborhoods and communities on behalf of children.
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